Vis-à-vis (2024)
Vis-à-vis is a photographic series produced during a week-long workshop led by Swiss photographer Anne Golaz in Marseille, France.
Working with teenagers from a school in the southern suburbs of Marseille, I aimed to capture—and at times symbolize—the transition from adolescence to adulthood, as well as the promise of a more independent life. Confined to a closed building under constant surveillance, I also became interested in the stifling environment in which these teenagers live, shaped by increasingly restrictive national security policies. Vis-à-vis is not only an exchange of glances between them and me, someone twice their age, but also a juxtaposition of the school—a closed and secure environment—and the Mediterranean Sea that surrounds it, a symbol of freedom, exploration, and transformation.
The series was exhibited as part of a group show at the La Mûre art gallery in Marseille, titled Soupçonne-moi du meilleur. This exhibition also led to the publication of a book by the CEPV in April 2024.